Campus Articles

Proving Einstein wrong by proving him right

Not many people can say they have worked on a math problem for nine months. Even fewer can say that they got it right. But Clifford Will can, and now he has a medal to prove it.

They called it a stupid toy. Now it makes billions and saves babies

He was told it was a bad idea that would never work. Now, UF chemistry professor Richard Yost is being inducted into the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame.

Four UF scholars win White House honors

University of Florida faculty members have been recognized with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on outstanding early-career scientists.

30 scholarships for first-generation students

The Florida Prepaid College Foundation and the University of Florida have sealed a partnership worth nearly a million dollars to equally fund 4-year Florida University Plan scholarships for 30 First Generation students joining the Fall 2019 freshmen class at the University of Florida.

Cydney McGlothlin named university architect

McGlothlin has managed some of the most notable projects at UF, including the J. Wayne Reitz Union renovation and addition, the Harn Museum’s Asian Art Wing and the Herbert Wertheim Laboratory for Engineering Excellence.

Former Vice President Patricia Telles-Irvin has passed away

Former Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Florida Dr. Patricia Telles-Irvin passed Monday, June 3 after a long and valiant fight against cancer.