Media Advisory

Public Notice | BOT Committees & Full Board Meetings | December 14 - 15, 2017


Please take notice that the following meetings of the UF Board of Trustees’ Committees and meeting of the University of Florida Board of Trustees will be held at the following times and places:

Date: December 14-15, 2017
Meetings of all University of Florida Board of Trustees’ Committees, and Meeting of the full University of Florida Board of Trustees

Place: President’s Room 215B, Emerson Alumni Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Purpose: Meetings of the University of Florida Board of Trustees and Its Committees

December 14, 2017

On December 14, 2017 at the above-referenced place, beginning at 10:30 a.m. EST, the following Committees of the University of Florida Board of Trustees will have meetings, in the following sequence, with one meeting or break (each called a session) beginning immediately after the prior session ends and continuing until all sessions have concluded. The following times for the sessions are estimates (as sessions will occur earlier or later depending on time needed for each session) — except that the first session of the day will begin no earlier than the time listed below and the Board is not required to meet later than the estimated end of the last session of the day:

10:30 a.m. EST 1. Committee Meeting
University of Florida Board of Trustees’ Committee on Educational
Policy and Strategic Initiatives
2. Lunch (~1 hour)

~1:00 p.m. EST 3. Committee Meeting
University of Florida Board of Trustees’ Committee on External
4. Break (~10 minutes)

~2:10 p.m. EST 5. Committee Meeting
University of Florida Board of Trustees’ Committee on Audit and
Operations Review
6. Break (~10 minutes)

~3:05 p.m. EST 7. Committee Meeting
University of Florida Board of Trustees’ Committee on Governance
8. Break (~10 minutes)

~4:15 p.m. EST 9. Committee Meeting
University of Florida Board of Trustees’ Committee on Finance and
(estimated to conclude by ~5:30 p.m. EST)

December 15, 2017

The University of Florida Board of Trustees will meet, beginning at 9:30 a.m. EST on December 15, 2017 at the above-listed location and continuing until the business of the Board is completed (estimated to conclude by ~11:30 p.m. EST; this time is estimated and may vary, but the Board is not required to meet later than the estimated end of the last session).

9:30 a.m. EST 1. Campaign Update and Strategic Discussion

~10:30 a.m. EST 2. Board Meeting
University of Florida Board of Trustees’ meeting
(estimated to conclude by ~11:30 a.m. EST)

Copies of the agendas are or will be posted on the Board of Trustees web site and copies of agendas may also be obtained and inquiries may be made by writing to: Brigit Dermott, Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees, Post Office Box 113125, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 or calling 352-392-1358.

The day of Committee meetings, the Board meeting, and breaks (each called a session) will begin at approximately (and no earlier than) the time  listed above and the sessions will be held that day in the sequence listed above and on the agendas. The agendas provide estimated schedules for each session, but actual times will vary and depend on the time needed for each session. The Board and its Committees are not required, however, to meet later on any day than the estimated time for the end of the last meeting that day.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this meeting is asked to advise University of Florida at least 72 hours before the meeting by contacting Ms. Dermott at 352-392-1358. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the University by calling (FRS) 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).

Media Contact: Janine Sikes,