Media Advisory

Leading national expert on gun trusts available to answer questions in advance of President Obama’s town hall


Lee-ford Tritt, UF Law Professor and director of the Center for Estate Planning

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Over the past week the gun trust world has been under increased scrutiny as President Obama issued an executive order calling for stricter gun control measures and recent federal court decisions were handed down that could create a concerning loophole for individuals to obtain machine guns.

UF Law Professor Lee-ford Tritt is available to address questions surrounding gun trusts and the Second Amendment.

Tritt is the author of the seminal article, “Dispatches from the Trenches of America’s Great Gun Trust Wars,” and is co-author of the leading book on the subject, The Legal Guide to NFA Firearms and Gun Trusts: Keeping Safe at the Range and in the Courtroom. The book is the definitive guide to forming and operating a gun trust for gun owners and their advisers. Tritt has been sought out and quoted by national media outlets for his expertise in estates and trusts issues surrounding gun trusts, same-sex marriage and tax issues.