A $1 million award from the Institute of Education Sciences will help the Lastinger Center and partners develop the Targeted Reading Instruction app.
Faculty accolades and achievements
This column, updated regularly, highlights a selection of recent awards, grants, recognitions and other successes of faculty at the University of Florida. Have an item to share? Send it to news@ufl.edu.
The Lastinger Center and partners from the College of Education and UNC-Chapel Hill’s FPG Child Development Institute received a $1 million award from the Institute of Education Sciences to develop, pilot, evaluate and scale the Targeted Reading Instruction App. Several studies have shown the instruction app produces significant improvement in decoding and reading comprehension for early elementary students. Read more here.
Courtney J. Sprain (Geological Sciences) received the William Gilbert Award from the American Geophysical Union’s Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism section. The early career award recognizes meritorious work or service in the advancement and promotion of discovery and solution science — in this case, in magnetism of Earth and planet materials. The American Geophysical Union will recognize this year’s recipients in December.
Peter Swaan, a distinguished university professor and internationally recognized researcher in the pharmaceutical sciences, has been selected as the next dean of the College of Pharmacy, effective December 1. Read Read more here.
David Prevatt (Engineering) is the co-principal investigator of a $16.5 million, multi-institution grant from the National Science Foundation to research the tension and tradeoffs between a community’s goals of managing hurricane risk and achieving equity and economic prosperity. The University of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center is leading the study. Prevatt will lead the thrust (buildings) group.