Subcommittees for UF presidential search to meet next week

August 10, 2012

WHO: Members of the University of Florida Presidential Search Committee’s Subcommittee on Marketing and Communications and Subcommittee on Qualifications and Criteria.

WHAT: The subcommittees will hold meetings and telephone conference calls.

WHEN: The Subcommittee on Marketing and Communications meets at 3 p.m. EDT Aug. 14. The Subcommittee on Qualifications and Criteria meets at 2 p.m. EDT Aug. 15.

WHERE: Both meetings are in 123 Tigert Hall, UF campus, Gainesville.

AGENDA: A copy of the agenda will be posted on the Presidential Search website

ACCESS: The meeting will also be streamed via the Internet. Information on the connection
is posted on the Presidential Search website.

CONTACT: Janine Sikes, 352-214-6807,