HHP professor to retire after 37 years

Published: June 18 2008

Category:Seen & Heard, Top Stories

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — It was 1971 when Seigfred Fagerberg said hello to the University of Florida’s College of Health and Human Performance. About 60,000 students, more than 1,000 recommendations, 25 courses and 11 college textbooks later, Fagerberg is saying goodbye.

When Fagerberg came to Gainesville 37 years ago, it was to visit a fraternity brother finishing his doctorate degree at UF. He was offered a teaching job that week.

Only 27 when he arrived, Fagerberg moved up the ranks of HHP quickly. In just six years, he went from being assistant professor to department chairman.

Medical terminology was the most popular course Fagerberg taught. He said a lot of students took it to prepare for entrance exams, especially for medical school. About one-third of the recommendations he wrote were for prospective medical students.

“In his 37 years of service, Dr. Fagerberg has served the university as a department chair and professor. He has taught numerous students in his popular medical terminology course,” Dean Steve Dorman said. “He has always been a caring and dedicated professor and was always committed to helping students achieve their goals and ambitions.”

Fagerberg said he will miss his colleagues and students the most.

“It’s a family,” he said. “They’ve made me a better person, and I’d like to think I’ve made them better people.”

Fagerberg said his degrees and academic accomplishments are not his biggest accomplishments. He is most proud of his three daughters and one son, who he said are making great contributions to society. His children reflect the success of their father as a clinical psychologist, a chief executive officer, a nurse practitioner student and a 14-year-old with the goal of becoming a doctor.

“I’m leaving with no regrets and with a lot of excitement for the future of this college,” he said



Michele Dye, mdye@hhp.ufl.edu, 352-392-0578, ext. 1280

Category:Seen & Heard, Top Stories