UF speaker to focus on how advertising influences eating disorders

Published: March 17 2008


GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The University of Florida’s National Nutrition Month campaign welcomes nationally renowned speaker Jean Kilbourne at 7:30 p.m. March 24 in the Reitz Student Union Grand Ballroom.

Kilbourne will present “Slim Hopes: Advertising and the Obsession With Thinness,” which focuses on body image and the effects of advertising on the fixation with thinness in our society. The presentation will examine ads for food, cigarettes and diet products, as well as how the ideal body image has changed in recent years. Kilbourne offers a new way to think about life-threatening eating disorders with a critical perspective on the social impact of advertising.

“We are very excited to have Dr. Kilbourne speak at the University of Florida,” said Jennifer Goetz, nutrition and eating disorder outreach assistant for GatorWell Health Promotion Services. “Her insightful perspective on the media’s obsession with weight loss and body image will provide a great program for our university community.”

Kilbourne has several award-winning documentary films, books, presentations and articles and has made numerous television appearances. She was named one of the three most popular speakers on college campuses by The New York Times Magazine.

Her “Slim Hopes” presentation is sponsored by GatorWell Health Promotion Services, Dean of Students First Year Florida Lecture Series, Panhellenic Council, Women’s Leadership Council, ARREST, Florida Center for Health Promotion, Student Government Women’s Affairs Cabinet, University Athletic Association, Student Health Care Center and Healthy Gators 2010.

Visit her Web site at JeanKilbourne.com for a full biography and more information or call GatorWell Health Promotion Services at 352-392-1161, ext. 4281, for more event details.


Shanley Frey
Jennifer Goetz, jlgoetz@ufl.edu, 352-392-1161, ext. 4281
