Internship forum offers wider variety of employers

October 16, 2006

Gainesville, Fla. — The Internship Forum, sponsored by the Career Resource Center, provides students with information about the importance and benefits of internships and tips on how to be a successful intern. Consisting of a panel of 10 representatives from different industries, the forum will take place from 6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 17, in the Reitz Student Union Rion Ballroom.

“We really tried to get a wide variety of industries so students from all majors get a good feel about internships,” said Sarah Milligan, graduate assistant for experiential education. “Students can come with any questions, and employers will be ready to answer.”

Employers will include representatives from engineering, recreation, nonprofit, banking and other industries. They will answer attendees’ questions about researching companies, marketing themselves to employers, preparing resumes, securing internships, and any other internship-search-related questions.

A reception at the CRC will follow the forum, giving students extra opportunities to network with employers.

“We hope that students are informed about internships and have all their questions answered,” Milligan said. “At the end of the day, that is what is going to help them get hired.”

This program was established in 2003 to facilitate productive and continuous relationships between employers and University of Florida students. The CRC provides services to help students engage in hands-on experience and make informed decisions about future career plans.

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