Program for Hispanic, Latino freshmen seeks volunteers

May 25, 2006

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Cooperative Academic Achievement Program is now accepting applications for peer volunteers.

CAAP is a transition program for incoming Hispanic and Latino first-year students coordinated by the Office for Academic Support and Institutional Services.

During a three-day kickoff program, Aug. 20-22, CAAP students will be introduced to UF faculty and staff, learn about the resources available on campus and participate in a scavenger hunt of the university. This program is intended to give students a better idea of what to expect on the road to successfully completing their educations at UF.

Volunteers will help with preparations for the program and with such tasks as taking students on tours, conducting a scavenger hunt and running errands.

Applications may be downloaded at: They also are available in 200 Walker Hall. All applications are due by June 14.

For more information, contact Diana Armas, program coordinator, at or (352) 392-0788.