The Division of Human Resources has redesigned its Web site to better serve employees

August 10, 2005

The Division of Human Resources has redesigned its Web site,, to better serve employees.

The new site features improved navigability, myUFL quick links, a manager’s toolkit, and a “one-stop shop” for both HR forms and policies. The main navigation also features drop-down menus that preview the content for each section.

The overall look of the site was designed to reflect the UF image while keeping a unique identity for Human Resources. It was also important for the content to be easily found and read. The site is best viewed at an 800 by 600 or higher screen resolution in Internet Explorer. It is recommended that users update any bookmarks associated with the previous site in their Web browsers.

The Division wants feedback on the new site. Employees can contact Ryan Ray at 392-4626 or e-mail her at